I really wanted to come up with a better title to this post. Something witty that’ll give you a good chuckle and rope you in even if you’re not a parent. But honestly? There’s nothing funny about this topic, unless you find it humorous that I’ve been pulling my hair out for 9 months while trying to tackle the big, bad hurdle of potty training a boy. But alas, we succeeded, and I’m pretty sure I had nothing to do with it.
This all started when he turned 2 last May. I had it built up in my head that I was going to work every day to help Isaac succeed in the quest of no more diapers, and that in a few months he’d have it down. I even set myself a goal for him to be full potty trained before we flew to Texas for Thanksgiving. Now, I wasn’t completely naive; I expected accidents. What I didn’t expect? My kid CHOOSING whether or not he was going to use his potty.
Looking back, it wasn’t a huge struggle at first. We bought Isaac his own little potty so that for at least in the beginning, it could follow him around and be readily available when the feeling struck him. We went the way of no diaper or pants, so he’s spent the better part of his evenings and weekends over the last several months pants-less. And he did great! I can only think of a handful or less of times where he had an accident in the floor. He had no issue stopping whatever he was doing and going to his potty. When did the issues arise, you ask? Anytime we put him in underwear. It’s like it gave him a false sense of security. And I’m talking EVERY. TIME. I was so frustrated. We spent months of him having no issues when going pants-less, and it would convince me that he was ready to take the next step. No-go. I was thwarted at each try.
Fast forward to fall. My target date is quickly approaching and we are still a few miles from the finish line. At this point he’s talking a great deal more, and can better communicate with us. So, I really pick up speed in my attempts and transition him to pull-ups while this time asking him where he is supposed to use the restroom. His answer? In the potty. Yesss. We’re getting somewhere. So I asked his school to transition him into pull-ups as well, and begin the training process along with me. Instead of changing a diaper each round, they would now be taking him to the bathroom in an attempt to have him do his business there. The first couple of weeks weren’t bad. I was getting reports that despite still going in his pull-up, he was also using the opportunity to go in the potty. Yay! … But, let’s not get too excited.
We were doing so well with the pull-ups that on the weekends I would transition him back into underwear. And again… accident after accident. When I would ask him where he’s supposed to do his business? In the potty. When I would ask him if he would please use said potty? No. … That’s it. Just flat out no. That’s when I realized what I had on my hands. A little boy all of 2.5 years old flat out telling me that he just didn’t want to use his potty. Great. And what can you do? I sure as hell can’t force him. So, I resigned myself to not meeting my goal and continued down the path we’ve been on for months with no real plan ahead to get him where he needs to be.
January rolled around and he aged up into his next class at school. My husband was home with him one afternoon while I was still at work and he text me that Isaac went to the potty on his own. Been there, done that. But I thought maybe we could try putting him in underwear again and see what comes of it. And you know what? It’s like a switch was flipped. We haven’t looked back. That was 3.5 weeks ago, and a few small accidents aside (usually because he can’t get his pants down fast enough), he’s doing fantastic! I was a little worried how things would go for him at school, but no issues at all. And honestly? I’m pretty sure the whole thing is thanks to his teachers. He was in his new class for less than 2 weeks when he made the leap, and although my pride may be hurt a bit that I couldn’t get him there on my own, I am just so glad it’s done. Diapers and pull-ups are expensive, and little boy boxer-briefs are the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.
So, there you go. Our potty training story. For those of you that aren’t parents and still made it all the way to the end, cheers to you. For those that are and have been on this bus once (or more!) before, my hat’s off to you. Seriously, I feel like I climbed a mountain.
Until next time…